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Kaarepere Manor Pikkjärve Manor in the 1970s. On the left Pikkjärve pais lake, the white house on the left was the house of the cattle manor workers before 1918. The long building across the lake is a sovhose-time workshop, behind which is the silk built during the Soviet period. On the right of the house is a manor-time water mill, which was dismantled in the 1970s and behind which the right is the Nava Round. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Veski, Pikkjärve, 49213 Jõgeva maakond, Estonia
Kaarepere Manor Pikkjärve Manor in the 1970s. On the left Pikkjärve pais lake, the white house on the left was the house of the cattle manor workers before 1918. The long building across the lake is a sovhose-time workshop, behind which is the silk built during the Soviet period. On the right of the house is a manor-time water mill, which was dismantled in the 1970s and behind which the right is the Nava Round.
Kaarepere Manor Pikkjärve Manor in the 1970s. On the left Pikkjärve pais lake, the white house on the left was the house of the cattle manor workers before 1918. The long building across the lake is a sovhose-time workshop, behind which is the silk built during the Soviet period. On the right of the house is a manor-time water mill, which was dismantled in the 1970s and behind which the right is the Nava Round. rephoto
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