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The Märjamaa church used to be the strongest fortification in Western Estonia during the Middle Ages, and is one of the few that has remained intact until the modern times. It was built in the beginning of the 14th century, the western tower was added during the 15th and 16th century. The church was damaged in 1547 and was in risk of collapse throughout the 17th century, when supporting pillars were added along with the vestry. The spire and all interior decoration were lost in World War II. The church was restored in 1958-60, the spire was replaced in 1990. The layout consists of a square choir and a two-aisled nave. The structure remains unarticulated from the exterior. The ceiling has cross-ribbed vaulting. North, west and east walls have lancet windows. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Koluvere maantee 2, Märjamaa, 78301 Rapla maakond, Estonia
The Märjamaa church used to be the strongest fortification in Western Estonia during the Middle Ages, and is one of the few that has remained intact until the modern times. It was built in the beginning of the 14th century, the western tower was added during the 15th and 16th century. The church was damaged in 1547 and was in risk of collapse throughout the 17th century, when supporting pillars were added along with the vestry. The spire and all interior decoration were lost in World War II. The church was restored in 1958-60, the spire was replaced in 1990. The layout consists of a square choir and a two-aisled nave. The structure remains unarticulated from the exterior. The ceiling has cross-ribbed vaulting. North, west and east walls have lancet windows.
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