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Vana Tallinn navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Laboratooriumi 8, 10133 Tallinn, Estonia
Nikolai Kull
Vana Tallinn
Broken, painted in soil shades with the interior courtyard of the Old Town and the rear court, which is separated by the plank in the middle of a passage without the gates. On the back of the middle axis, a slightly left side of the middle-aged house with a high staircase on the right side of the roof. In front of it a little left of the same lower house. On the front of the left part of the green grey house façade, with two doors, on the other floor with one window. On the middle plan, the right ocean yellow classicist style, a two-storey house with a large shade on the side of the viewer, underneath it a horse vanker. On the front of the left in the golden section of the courtyard, the vanker.
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