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Tartu the ruins. Winning (Promenaadi) and New Market t corner: Estonian officer (or Estonian Owners) commemorated by a man regulating traffic.
Teaviit with numerous letters (Umleitung. To Narva. After Reval. Wesenberg - Torma - Taps. Narwa. Chernya). Behind the road sign with Feldwerkstoff.
On the left, Tillemann's clock, behind the tower of the Jaan Church.
Tartu, 29.08.1941. Photo Ilja Pähn. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Ülikooli 2, 51003 Tartu, Estonia
Tartu the ruins. Winning (Promenaadi) and New Market t corner: Estonian officer (or Estonian Owners) commemorated by a man regulating traffic. Teaviit with numerous letters (Umleitung. To Narva. After Reval. Wesenberg - Torma - Taps. Narwa. Chernya). Behind the road sign with Feldwerkstoff. On the left, Tillemann's clock, behind the tower of the Jaan Church. Tartu, 29.08.1941. Photo Ilja Pähn.
Tartu the ruins. Winning (Promenaadi) and New Market t corner: Estonian officer (or Estonian Owners) commemorated by a man regulating traffic.
Teaviit with numerous letters (Umleitung. To Narva. After Reval. Wesenberg - Torma - Taps. Narwa. Chernya). Behind the road sign with Feldwerkstoff.
On the left, Tillemann's clock, behind the tower of the Jaan Church.
Tartu, 29.08.1941. Photo Ilja Pähn. rephoto
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