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Louis Royer. Rembrandt - KU Leuven. Glass slides art history. Université de Louvain, between 1839 and 1939. Photographer unknown. Added information on slide. Creation/Building: 1852. Technique/Material: Bronze. Current location: Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rembrandtplein. EuroPhot. Art History. 19th century. Sculpture. Statue. EuroPhot. Art history. 19th century. Sculptures. Statue. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Rembrandtplein 28, 1017 CV Amsterdam, Netherlands
Louis Royer
Louis Royer. Rembrandt - KU Leuven. Glass slides art history. Université de Louvain, between 1839 and 1939. Photographer unknown. Added information on slide. Creation/Building: 1852. Technique/Material: Bronze. Current location: Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rembrandtplein. EuroPhot. Art History. 19th century. Sculpture. Statue. EuroPhot. Art history. 19th century. Sculptures. Statue.
Louis Royer. Rembrandt - KU Leuven. Glass slides art history. Université de Louvain, between 1839 and 1939. Photographer unknown. Added information on slide. Creation/Building: 1852. Technique/Material: Bronze. Current location: Netherlands, Amsterdam, Rembrandtplein. EuroPhot. Art History. 19th century. Sculpture. Statue. EuroPhot. Art history. 19th century. Sculptures. Statue. rephoto
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