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Gerona, Vista del Areny - View of the Areny del Río Onyar during a market day In the centre, the bridge of Stone and right, the boulevard of Verdaguer and the beginning of the Rambla de la Libertad. In the background stand the bell Bernardes, the church of Sant Feliu and the Cathedral of Girona. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Plaça de Catalunya, 105, 17004 Girona, Spain
Gerona, Vista del Areny - View of the Areny del Río Onyar during a market day In the centre, the bridge of Stone and right, the boulevard of Verdaguer and the beginning of the Rambla de la Libertad. In the background stand the bell Bernardes, the church of Sant Feliu and the Cathedral of Girona.
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