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[View from Torre Gironella] - View from Torre Gironella. First, the remains of the German Barracks. Second place in the centre, the portal and the chapel of San Cristobal In the background on the left, the Cathedral of Girona, the centre, the tower of the Gardens of French and right, the district of Sant Pere de Galligants. navigate_before navigate_next

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Approximate address: Carrer dels Alemanys, 20, 17004 Girona, Spain
[View from Torre Gironella] - View from Torre Gironella. First, the remains of the German Barracks. Second place in the centre, the portal and the chapel of San Cristobal In the background on the left, the Cathedral of Girona, the centre, the tower of the Gardens of French and right, the district of Sant Pere de Galligants.
  • Use YYYY.MM.DD format (MM.DD not obligatory):
    1878 | 1902.02
  • Mark date ranges or before/after with either "-" or "..":
    1910-1920 | 1978.05.20..1978.06.27 | -1920 | 1935..
  • Approximate date in brackets:
    (1944) | (1940.05)..1941.08.21)
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