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Approximate address: Orika, Soome, 66415 Võru maakond, Estonia
Politseiprefektide koolitusreis Soome
Police Prefects training trip to Finland I, 1996 The Police Office organized a training trip to Finland for police Prefects. The aim of the trip was to get acquainted with the organisation of the Finnish police and how the Finnish police management uses strategic planning in its work. Strategic planning was at that time a very innovative tool in both the public sector and the police.
On the photo from the left Ants Tsugart Harju Police Prefect, Raimo Koha Järva Police Prefect, behind him Raivo Aeg Rapla Police Prefect, Raivo Sepp Viljandi Police Prefect, Margus Sirts Lääne Police Prefect, Deputy Director General of Ralf Palo Police Prefect, behind him Heido Mägi Põlva Police Prefect, Kalev Ilves Võva police Prefect, Raivo Palu Tartu Police Prefect and Harry Tuul Pärnu Police Prefect.