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Approximate address: Linnu 2, Viljandi, 71003 Viljandi maakond, Estonia
Viljandi äriklubi poolt politsei kiirreageerijate jaoks auto üleandmine
Car transfer by Viljandi Business Club for Police Emergency Reactors to Viljandi City Government, 28.02.1996 Image from the left President of the Business Club Tõnu Tamm, Järva Police Prefect Raimo Koha, Valga Police Prefect Aivar Toompere, Deputy Mayor Peep Aru, Member of the Business Club Waldemar Assmann, Mayor Andre Sosmann Osaar, Viljandi Police Prefect Raivo Sepp, Viljandi Deputy Prefect Indrek Paukšhtys, secretary of the business club Sirje Ojasoo and Jaan Mätas, member of the business club behind him. On the right side of the photo is someone from the city's citizens.