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Approximate address: Köleri 5, Suure-Jaani, 71503 Viljandi maakond, Estonia
Suure-Jaani konstaablijaoskonna avamine
Opening of the Constable Department of Suure-Jaani I, 1994 In order to better ensure security in the county, constable departments were opened in various areas of Viljandimaa, headed by the Commissioner of the Department. Since the police act primarily in the interests and good of the citizens (is in ensuring the security of the service provider of the citizens), it is important that the police are as close to the citizen as possible and that management decisions are also taken on the spot, not only in the centre. Such a decentralized management model was successful and effective in Viljandi county.
On the picture from the left Kõo rural municipality elder (neighbor municipality) Tarmo Riisk, police prefect Raivo Sepp on the opening call and police defect Indrek Paukhstys.