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S. Petronio kirik Bolognas navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Piazza Maggiore, 1, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy
S. Petronio kirik Bolognas
On the photo, a view of the Gothic style of a 5-fighted basil. See the main façade and the right side of the longitudinal building. On the façade three portals, of which the average is larger. 3 sculptures above the door in front of the round ark. Vimpers above the portals, under them sculptures inside the arc. The midstick ends in a triangle, under it a window with high trells. You can see a tower of supports and a tower behind them. 5 lamp posts in front of the main portal stairs, a small sales pavilion on the right. The building of the church was started in 1390, and the building was completed only along the building. Choir symbrox and cable helmet remained unworked.
Petersen, "Das Schloss zu Reval anno 1860", lito.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Jäälõhkuja "Suur Tõll".  duplicate photo help_circle compare
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