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The secretary of the party office of Pärnu Construction Materials Tehas Liivi Kuura (from the left), Deputy Director, Chief of Staff Viktor Tilk, Chairman of the trade union committee Peeter Allik, Head of the Czech Republic Boriss Tokarev and Head of the Technical Department Boriss Spiridonov in preparation for the final production warehouse for Saturday. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Reideni 5, Pärnu, 80042 Pärnu maakond, Estonia
Harald Leppikson
The secretary of the party office of Pärnu Construction Materials Tehas Liivi Kuura (from the left), Deputy Director, Chief of Staff Viktor Tilk, Chairman of the trade union committee Peeter Allik, Head of the Czech Republic Boriss Tokarev and Head of the Technical Department Boriss Spiridonov in preparation for the final production warehouse for Saturday.
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