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Prime Minister Mart Siimann (from left 1. ), 3. Minister of Roads and Communications Raivo Vare, 5. Mayor of Tallinn Ivi Eenmaa, 6. The Director General of Eesti Post Tarmo-Jaan Tõeleid on the cornerstone of the new post office of Eesti Post on Lasnamäe Pallasti Street. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Pallasti 28, 11416 Tallinn, Estonia
Truuväärt, A.
Prime Minister Mart Siimann (from left 1. ), 3. Minister of Roads and Communications Raivo Vare, 5. Mayor of Tallinn Ivi Eenmaa, 6. The Director General of Eesti Post Tarmo-Jaan Tõeleid on the cornerstone of the new post office of Eesti Post on Lasnamäe Pallasti Street.
Prime Minister Mart Siimann (from left 1. ), 3. Minister of Roads and Communications Raivo Vare, 5. Mayor of Tallinn Ivi Eenmaa, 6. The Director General of Eesti Post Tarmo-Jaan Tõeleid on the cornerstone of the new post office of Eesti Post on Lasnamäe Pallasti Street. rephoto
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