Geolocation error:
TLA 1465 1 6693 View of the city probably from the Favorita (Narva mnt 108) street. On the right side of the Pirita road is the memorial edge of Russalka, on the left Kadrioru park. In the backyard, the port - a view of the city probably from the Favorita (Narva mnt 108) street. On the right side of the Pirita road is the memorial edge of Russalka, on the left Kadrioru park. Backyard swimming houses, port navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Narva maantee 108, 10127 Tallinn, Estonia
Unknown author
TLA 1465 1 6693 View of the city probably from the Favorita (Narva mnt 108) street. On the right side of the Pirita road is the memorial edge of Russalka, on the left Kadrioru park. In the backyard, the port - a view of the city probably from the Favorita (Narva mnt 108) street. On the right side of the Pirita road is the memorial edge of Russalka, on the left Kadrioru park. Backyard swimming houses, port
Unknown date
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