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Finnish engineers visit the construction of the Kehra Sulfate Cellulose Factory. From the left: the representative of the construction company Vennad Edenbergid Max Edenberg, the manager of construction works engineer Fromhold Rang, Sihver, the general manager of construction works engineer Rahuleid Kask, Elmar Toonekurg, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Factory (Director) Oskar Hinto, Harry Visman [Vismann], three Finnish engineers, Ra gnar Heino. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Anija mnt 10, Kehra, 74305 Harju maakond, Estonia
Finnish engineers visit the construction of the Kehra Sulfate Cellulose Factory. From the left: the representative of the construction company Vennad Edenbergid Max Edenberg, the manager of construction works engineer Fromhold Rang, Sihver, the general manager of construction works engineer Rahuleid Kask, Elmar Toonekurg, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Factory (Director) Oskar Hinto, Harry Visman [Vismann], three Finnish engineers, Ra gnar Heino.
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