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Approximate address: Norrtullsgatan 2, 113 29 Stockholm, Sweden
Swedish National Heritage Board
Stockholm, Uppland, Sweden (6194377587) - Building at 2, Norrtullsgatan street in the northern part of Stockholm city, built in 1925-1927 for Stockholm University. Today, the building is called the Student Palace and is used by the student unions of Stockholm. Byggnad vid Norrtullsgatan 2 på Norrmalm, uppförd 1925-1927 för Stockholms school. The east is hanging huset Studentpalatset och anvands av Stockholms studentkårer. Parish (socken): Stockholm Province (landskap): Uppland Municipality (communin): Stockholm County (Latvia): Stockholm Photograph by: Fredrik Bruno Date: 1944 Format: Colour slide See a recent photo of the same view: kmb.raa.se/coon/bild/show-image.html?id=16001000311584 Pers assistant URL: kmb.raa.se/cocoon/bild/show-image.html?id=16001000228584 Read more about the photo database (in English): kmb.raa.se/cocoon/bild/about.html