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War of Liberty. 6.Sending a voluntary addition to the 12th Route at Pärnu Railway Station. On the left front row stands 3. (related on the sword of the rider) Leader of the Road Economic Commander Ludvig Jakobsen, 4th path adjutant Lieutenant Aleksander Kulbusch (Kulgver), 5th course leader Lieutenant Hans Birkenberg (Kaseste), 6. Aleksander Jürvetson, the 7th Street captain of Valfried Jakobson. navigate_before navigate_next
Vilper, H. Poska, D.
War of Liberty. 6.Sending a voluntary addition to the 12th Route at Pärnu Railway Station. On the left front row stands 3. (related on the sword of the rider) Leader of the Road Economic Commander Ludvig Jakobsen, 4th path adjutant Lieutenant Aleksander Kulbusch (Kulgver), 5th course leader Lieutenant Hans Birkenberg (Kaseste), 6. Aleksander Jürvetson, the 7th Street captain of Valfried Jakobson.
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