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Memories of the rudders who died on the ferry Estonia in the Catarian church yard. The Memorial Service is held by the teacher of the Kanepi congregation Jüri Pallo, the teacher of the Vastseliina congregation Ove Sander and Võrumaa ruin Andres Mäevere. President Lennart Meri (righter), Helle Meri, Chairman of the Riigikogu Toomas Savi and Minister of Defence Andrus Öövel on board the Estonian Real Evening Service in the Church of Võru Katariina. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Jüri 9, Võru, 65608 Võru maakond, Estonia
Jakobi, Kaido
Memories of the rudders who died on the ferry Estonia in the Catarian church yard. The Memorial Service is held by the teacher of the Kanepi congregation Jüri Pallo, the teacher of the Vastseliina congregation Ove Sander and Võrumaa ruin Andres Mäevere. President Lennart Meri (righter), Helle Meri, Chairman of the Riigikogu Toomas Savi and Minister of Defence Andrus Öövel on board the Estonian Real Evening Service in the Church of Võru Katariina.
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