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To declare the independence of the Republic of Estonia 20th August 1991. Arnold Rüütel speaks when opening a dedicated memorial stone. On the right: Mayor of Tallinn Jaak Tamm, Chairman of the Riigikogu Ülo Nugis, Chairman of the group Tiit Vähi, Deputy Chairman of the Riigikogu Edgar Savisaar, President of the Republic of Estonia Lennart Meri. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Toompea 1, 10130 Tallinn, Estonia
Leppikson, H.
To declare the independence of the Republic of Estonia 20th August 1991. Arnold Rüütel speaks when opening a dedicated memorial stone. On the right: Mayor of Tallinn Jaak Tamm, Chairman of the Riigikogu Ülo Nugis, Chairman of the group Tiit Vähi, Deputy Chairman of the Riigikogu Edgar Savisaar, President of the Republic of Estonia Lennart Meri.
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