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Approximate address: 12a, Harju 1, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia
I row (from left): 1) J. Saar, 2) e. Krusten, 3) R. Parve, 4) J. Kross, 5) V. Beekman; II row: 1) V. Luik, 2) a. Kaalep, 3) V. Villandi, 4) P.-E. Rummo; III row: 1) e. Raud, 2) m. Kesamaa, 3) h. Mänd, 4) h. Runnel, 5) e. Niit, 6) m. Nurme, 7) p. Rummo, 8) e. Mouse, 9) m. Veetamm, 10) a. Weight, 11) U. Laht on the eve of the Congress of Writers in 1971.