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New 34-12, Aigro. A couple with two small children. The man has poor health, the choice of war. Meets the responsibilities of the housewife, for which you receive prii apartment and 3000 mk monthly salary. The apartment is small, low, in the basement case. The older child is obviously not normal, 4 years old, but lacks the ability to speak. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Uus 34, 10111 Tallinn, Estonia
New 34-12, Aigro. A couple with two small children. The man has poor health, the choice of war. Meets the responsibilities of the housewife, for which you receive prii apartment and 3000 mk monthly salary. The apartment is small, low, in the basement case. The older child is obviously not normal, 4 years old, but lacks the ability to speak.
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