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View of the city, the surroundings of Karja Street from the new market. On the left Kiek in de Kök, in the middle of the Niguliste church, on the right tower of the building. In front of Jaani Street, currently the Pärnu highway. At the forefront of the square. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Viru väljak, 10143 Tallinn, Estonia
View of the city, the surroundings of Karja Street from the new market. On the left Kiek in de Kök, in the middle of the Niguliste church, on the right tower of the building. In front of Jaani Street, currently the Pärnu highway. At the forefront of the square.
[ligikaudu.1885 - ligikaudu.1890, 1155, 1937]
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