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Approximate address: Harju, 10146 Tallinn, Estonia
Honourable guests on the parade organized by the President of Finland Relander in the event of a visit to the Freedom Square. On the front row from the right: General Major J. Soots, Oberst Malmberg, Chairman of the National Assembly J. Tõnison, Head of State J. Jaakson, Minister of Road K. Virma, President of Finland Relander, Minister of Internal Affairs K. Einbund, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland Idman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia K.R. Pusta, Finnish Minister of Education, Professor Setälä, Chief of the Finnish Lots' Government Baron Wrede, General Major Unt, Colonel Kauler, Colonel Janits, Colonel Rüütel, Colonel Äimeleus - Aimä, Captain Kurg, Colonel Helsingius, continue: Lieutenant Häämen-Anila, Colonel Busch Boevden, Colonel Roska, Captain Landsberg, the representative of the British army, Captain Swett, the representative of the French army, major Bonne.