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Tartu the ruins. Bombing of Tartu by the Russian air force: bombing at Gustav Adolf and Kroonuaia t corner.  On the wall of the house, the store is advertised by g. Nutt Lihaäri, Kroonuaia 3.
The wall of the house is from the streets: Kroonuaia.
Tartu, 27.03.1944. Photo Ilja Pähn. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Jakobi 38, 51005 Tartu, Estonia
Tartu the ruins. Bombing of Tartu by the Russian air force: bombing at Gustav Adolf and Kroonuaia t corner. On the wall of the house, the store is advertised by g. Nutt Lihaäri, Kroonuaia 3. The wall of the house is from the streets: Kroonuaia. Tartu, 27.03.1944. Photo Ilja Pähn.
Tartu the ruins. Bombing of Tartu by the Russian air force: bombing at Gustav Adolf and Kroonuaia t corner.  On the wall of the house, the store is advertised by g. Nutt Lihaäri, Kroonuaia 3.
The wall of the house is from the streets: Kroonuaia.
Tartu, 27.03.1944. Photo Ilja Pähn. rephoto
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