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Fotoalbum NSVL Riigipanga Rakvere osakonna töötajate fotodest navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Lai 15, Rakvere, 44308 Lääne-Viru maakond, Estonia
Ervin Annuka
Fotoalbum NSVL Riigipanga Rakvere osakonna töötajate fotodest
Cover and first photo - the building of the bank on the Market Square. 2. Credit Inspector Erdmann, 3. Credit Inspector Roland Põiklik, 4. Credit Inspector Linda Kallas, 5th Accountant Naima Malmberg, 6th Deputy Accountant Paula Põllu, 7th Accountant Mari Vildak, 8th Accountant Salme Juurik, 9th Accountant Valli Peetsalu, 10th Accountant Ina Pruuel, 11th Accountant Marie Vildak, 12th Accountant Anni Preismann the 13th accountant Juta Aam, 14th accountant Maila Maahein, 15th view of the bank's work room - the inspectors came under the ark, behind the door in the office of the manager, 16th accountant Ina Pruuel, 17th accountant Valve Kasela, 18th bank's office, in front of Ina Pruuel, 19th view, with a pencil Valve Kasela, 20th accountant Tõnson, 21. - 22. Accountant Aino Kaho, 23, Aino Kaho, Eve Tõnso, 24. income inspector Aili Järvsalu, 24. cashier Asta Eigi, 25. Agnes Umming, 26. Money Reading Auditor Vilberg, 27. Head of the Treasury Ervin Annuka, 28th cleaner, 29th incassors on the left Lavrov, on the right of Dunaiski, in the middle of Richard Eigi, 30th view from Market Square to Laiale Street.
[1945 - 1950, 1950]
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