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Allveelavastiku Sihtkapitali Kernu valla abitoimkond. Vasakul istumas Johannes Ploompuu, Helmuth Thomson, Gustav Reintam, Jaak Takk, Gustav Jersmann. Seismas Konstantin Randvere, Evad Rennik, Johannes Köster, Aleksander Liiv navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Orumäe, Kohatu, 76305 Harju maakond, Estonia
Allveelavastiku Sihtkapitali Kernu valla abitoimkond. Vasakul istumas Johannes Ploompuu, Helmuth Thomson, Gustav Reintam, Jaak Takk, Gustav Jersmann. Seismas Konstantin Randvere, Evad Rennik, Johannes Köster, Aleksander Liiv
The capital of the submarine fleet was an organisation operating in Estonia in the years 1933–1940, the aim of which was to collect donations to Estonia for the construction of a submarine (the most damaging destroyer of submarine vessels)
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