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Viljandi Eesti Haridusseltsi Tütarlaste Gümnaasiumi õpilane Rähn. navigate_before navigate_next

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Approximate address: Carl Robert Jakobsoni 42, Viljandi, 71004 Viljandi maakond, Estonia
Jaan Riet
Viljandi Eesti Haridusseltsi Tütarlaste Gümnaasiumi õpilane Rähn.
Jüris.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Minna Tell.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Puskar.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
A. Sari.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Prof. J. Pauckeri portree  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Adolf Rull.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Kalbus.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Koff.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Reilson.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Siimer.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Rotberg.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Käärik.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
[Rahukohtunik] Ostromõslenski.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Märt Ball Abja vallast, Sarja külast.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
Märtson.  duplicate photo help_circle compare
  • Use YYYY.MM.DD format (MM.DD not obligatory):
    1878 | 1902.02
  • Mark date ranges or before/after with either "-" or "..":
    1910-1920 | 1978.05.20..1978.06.27 | -1920 | 1935..
  • Approximate date in brackets:
    (1944) | (1940.05)..1941.08.21)
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