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Motor buses approx. 1931-33: 25-section Dodge JG Nr. 45 (former Tatsi Nr. 10, A-1438), 20-section Reo GB Nr. 36 (A-1255) purchased in the middle of 1930 and 27-section Packard Nr. 51 (Tatsi Nr. 20 (H-124, later A-843) purchased on the right. the Tor used until 1935. Photo: Raeantiik via Heiki Muda. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Ristiku 69, 10317 Tallinn, Estonia
Motor buses approx. 1931-33: 25-section Dodge JG Nr. 45 (former Tatsi Nr. 10, A-1438), 20-section Reo GB Nr. 36 (A-1255) purchased in the middle of 1930 and 27-section Packard Nr. 51 (Tatsi Nr. 20 (H-124, later A-843) purchased on the right. the Tor used until 1935. Photo: Raeantiik via Heiki Muda.
Motor buses approx. 1931-33: 25-section Dodge JG Nr. 45 (former Tatsi Nr. 10, A-1438), 20-section Reo GB Nr. 36 (A-1255) purchased in the middle of 1930 and 27-section Packard Nr. 51 (Tatsi Nr. 20 (H-124, later A-843) purchased on the right. the Tor used until 1935. Photo: Raeantiik via Heiki Muda. rephoto
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