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The Russian and German emperors together with the embassy before the parade. Left: 1. German Emperor General Wilhelm II from the Embassy, 2. German Emperor Wilhelm II, 3. Russian Foreign Minister Sasonov, 4. Russian Emperor Nikolai II, 5. Prince of Prussia Adalbert, 6. Russian Minister of the Court, Craig Frederick, 7. Russian Minister of War, General Suhomlinov, 8. Russian General Dejulin, 10. Russian Chief of the courtyard Marshal, Country Benkendorff. navigate_before navigate_next
The Russian and German emperors together with the embassy before the parade. Left: 1. German Emperor General Wilhelm II from the Embassy, 2. German Emperor Wilhelm II, 3. Russian Foreign Minister Sasonov, 4. Russian Emperor Nikolai II, 5. Prince of Prussia Adalbert, 6. Russian Minister of the Court, Craig Frederick, 7. Russian Minister of War, General Suhomlinov, 8. Russian General Dejulin, 10. Russian Chief of the courtyard Marshal, Country Benkendorff.
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