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Koluvere Castle. The castle and left round tower were built in the 15th century , in the middle of the quadrilateral tower ca 1400s. Around. The castle is surrounded by water, left stone bridge over the castle. The last owner of Koluvere Manor was Count Leo Buxholvden. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Ollimäe-Koluvere, Koluvere, 90702 Lääne maakond, Estonia
Alla, Armin
Koluvere Castle. The castle and left round tower were built in the 15th century , in the middle of the quadrilateral tower ca 1400s. Around. The castle is surrounded by water, left stone bridge over the castle. The last owner of Koluvere Manor was Count Leo Buxholvden.
[1956; 1956]
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