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In the opening of the first predicted part of the Rakvere Order in Vallimäe, the master of the Rakvere Department of the Virumaa Restoration Government Gunnar Kirss Rakvere gives the director of the Home Museum Olav Mäe a symbol of protection instead of the traditional key. navigate_before navigate_next
Approximate address: Vallimägi, Rakvere, 44307 Lääne-Viru maakond, Estonia
Kapstas, E.
In the opening of the first predicted part of the Rakvere Order in Vallimäe, the master of the Rakvere Department of the Virumaa Restoration Government Gunnar Kirss Rakvere gives the director of the Home Museum Olav Mäe a symbol of protection instead of the traditional key.
In the opening of the first predicted part of the Rakvere Order in Vallimäe, the master of the Rakvere Department of the Virumaa Restoration Government Gunnar Kirss Rakvere gives the director of the Home Museum Olav Mäe a symbol of protection instead of the traditional key. rephoto
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